Monthly Archive: January, 2013

Pic of the day – Something to look forward to

I have learned wonderful things from every TEDx I’ve attended. I hope EMU will livestream so I can watch remotely.

Pic of the day – Aren’t Martians Red?

I mean, really, doesn’t it make more sense to think Martians would be red, since they come from the Red Planet? Whoever came up with the idea of green, anyway?

Pic of the day – Story of the Poisoned Pyx

Today I had an unfortunate experience with one of the low gluten hosts at our Catholic church. The low gluten hosts allow people with celiac disease to participate fully in the Mass by… Continue reading

Pic of the day – Eggs 3

While part of what enchanted me about these eggs was the colors, they were not quite as intensely colorful as the photo filter makes it seem.

Pic of the day – Plug In!

Caught this pic last night on EMU’s campus. This morning I received a worried tweet from some friends wondering if I was alright. After all I hadn’t tweeted in NINE hours!!! And I… Continue reading

Pic of the day – Warm Ups

We have a very lively, energetic, choir director. She likes it if we in the choir are also lively and energetic, but we are a mix of old fogies and working stiffs, so… Continue reading

Pic of the day – Warhol Finds Blood Orange

I found a recipe last year for blood orange marmalade that was the most popular jam I made last year. Been waiting for them to come in season again. I know what I’m… Continue reading

Pic of the day – Inexpressible Joy

The story has a happy ending, and a happy beginning, but a sad middle. When I was young, very young, my mother and I bonded over tea. It was a sign of not… Continue reading

Pic of the day – Drums

Pic of the day – There is always a story

… whether it is a story he tells, or one he hears.